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Massage: About



Swedish massage is the most commonly practiced and well- known massage therapy which offers you wonderful relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Most of the  other type of massages  are  based on Swedish massage strokes and  techniques. Swedish massage involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes on the superficial layer of the muscles (topmost layers).



Pain management

Some health condition such as Sciatica or Arthritis can cause chronic pain as a result.  Swedish massage can be an effective method of managing the pain natural way. By  working at the pain points , using the motions to increase the circulation will reduce muscle  tension and ease the pain.

Increased Relaxation & Reduced Stress

The Constant rush of stress hormones can put a lot of wear and tear on your body, causing it to age more quickly and making you more prone to illnesses. Swedish massage calms the nervous system and relax the muscular tension, which helps to clear the body and mind .

Improved Mood

Swedish massage  increases the level of  Endorphin, Serotonin (hormones of happiness) and reduce  stress hormone Cortisol which will improve the mood and  will promotes positive feeling like pleasure

Massage increases circulation and lymph flow, aiding the body in natural detoxification, and boosting the body's supply of fresh oxygen and promotes better healing.


Often caused by muscular tension in the neck and shoulder area, massage can help to relieve headaches and migraines. 


Have trouble nodding off at night? As well as aiding in relaxation, regular massage can significantly improve the quality of your sleep.

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It's a Swedish Massage Therapy with massage oil that contains essentials oils. During the massage you either inhale, or absorb the oils through the skins.


How Aromatherapy Works

Aromatherapy works by stimulating receptors in the nose responsible for smell, sending messages by olfactory cells to the part of the brain that controls the drive for survival, emotions, and instinct called the limbic system. The olfactory cells recognize scents as specific aromatic molecules that fit into receptors on these cells. Although not fully understood, scientists believe that these nerve signals’ action causes powerful mood changes in response to particular smells.

Some of the most popular essential oils I use  include:

Each essential oil used in aromatherapy has a different properties. Some will calm you and make you feel relaxed while others energize.

  • Calming: Chamomile, lavender, and geranium oil

  • Decongesting: Eucalyptus, peppermint, pine, and tea tree oil

  • Energizing: Rosemary oil

  • Uplifting: Ylang-ylang, clary sage, rose, and neroli oil


Use of therapeutic essential oils in massage is being explored for the following conditions:

  • Anxiety

  • Dementia symptoms

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Menstrual pain

  • Supportive care for people with conditions such as cancer

  • Pain

  • Headaches, migraines

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What happens during a massage treatment?

The first treatment will include the consultation , during which details relating to your
health and lifestyle are taken to make sure the treatment is suitable for you.

This will provide me the correct information to deliver you a treatment tailored for your needs. The consultation should not take more that 15 minutes.


Ill ask you to remove clothing from area we will work on. I will leave the room while you undress.  Then you will lie on the massage table, underneath the provided sheet or towel, which will cover your body.

During the massage only the  massaged area will be exposed, rest of the body will stay covered. 

Relaxing music will be played, but if you will find the music distracting please let me know. During the massage I will be checking on pressure and comfort with you and if at any time you feel uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to tell me. Once we are finished with the treatment you will be asked to get dressed in privacy in your own peace.



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To enjoy the benefits of your treatment and for your own health and safety please follow the after care advice below.


  • Make time for yourself, before and after your massage session to maximise the relaxation

  • Drink plenty of water in the next 24 hours to aid the detoxifying process

  • Try to avoid stimulants over the next 24 hours such as tea, coffee and alcohol as they may interfere with detoxification

  • Avoid eating a heavy meal for at least an hour after treatment

  • Be careful if driving as reaction may be slower

  • Avoid sun-beds and direct sunlight to avoid burns

  • Some reactions are part of the healing process and a sign your body is eliminating toxins. Its normal for you to feel any of following ; feeling cold, mild headaches, thirsty, feeling emotional and dizzy, mild tiredness, needing to visit the toilet more frequently.

Massage: Welcome
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